Horse & Spiritual Principals.
We believe:
· That horses are sentient creatures with the ability to recognize various emotions and facial expressions within humans and are treated accordingly.
· That our horses have their own free will, allowing them the choice to participate in client sessions or not. The only ‘non-negotiables’ are things which pertain to their welfare such as the Vet, Farrier and Dentist. Should a horse not wish to be involved in a session then participants will respect their boundary and explore internally as to what’s arising from this experience.
· That horse training within our herd should be in a positive and supportive environment where the horse flourishes. As such, we choose to use Positive Reinforcement Training (or Treat/ Clicker Training) for our herd.
· In the safety of our herd as well as our participants, meaning that every participant agrees to the Safety Brief at the beginning of each session.
· That horses are unable to see directly in front of themselves or directly behind themselves due to their eyes being on the side of their head. We ask that all participants do not stand or approach any horse from directly in front of them or behind. Always stand or approach a horse from the side.
· That horses are prey animals and have the ability to move quickly, easily and at speed without considering anything in their immediate surrounds. It is imperative that participants stay connected to the herd members to ensure the safety of themselves and the herd.
· That everyone is whole and resourceful.
· That everyone has the right to make their own decisions and to be free from restraint of others’ views.
· That life is for living and that sometimes lessons may be presented as challenges, if we surrender to the challenge and allow ourselves to be guided, then we will be shown the way.
· That there is a higher purpose for things happening and that reason may not be present at the time of the given incident, but it will be a lesson that we have to face and grow from.
· That we live life to the fullest with no regrets, only memories that will help us change.
· That life is eternal and that everything is possible.
· In personal responsibility and that we create our own reality through our thoughts and actions.
· That we should treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves, with love and respect, no matter how they decide to live their life.
· In integrity and being authentic and that we are working for our highest good and the highest good of others.
· That healing and personal development can be gentle and easy in the right environment.