“Touching the lives of horses through Bowen.”
Equine Bowen Therapy
Equine Bowen Therapy is a soft tissue technique that empowers the body’s innate healing abilities to achieve balance and harmony within the cells, aiding in relief from pain and discomfort.
The Bowen moves are applied directly to the fascia at precise locations over muscles, tendons and ligaments to bring about homeostasis.
These moves are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian systems, acupressure points and myofascial trigger points.
Horses respond very quickly to Bowen treatments and often are seen to be more relaxed, happy and responsive on the ground and under saddle after a treatment.
Our equine partners are athletes so regular treatments are beneficial to support their bodies to maintain optimum health and performance.
If you would like Kathryn to communicate with your horse whilst they are receiving a treatment please let her know. There is a small additional fee.