Soul Therapies.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing takes a Native American Indian approach to healing. These healing sessions are deep and powerful, supporting you in letting go of anything that is energetically holding you back or that's blocking you from moving forward. This includes reclaiming your power (Soul Retrieval), closing past lives that are influencing how we are showing up today, healing past wounds and stepping into your true, authentic heart space to live your life with ease and grace. It's time for you to rest and receive.
You are invited to relax on the healing table whilst Kathryn channels Native American Indian Healers to support your journey in coming home to your authentic self.
Medicine Horse Healing Package
Have you wanted a reading and a healing at the same time?
This is a 2.5hr self love package where you’ll receive a 1hr reading and a 1.5hr healing. It’s your choice to be with the horses or not during your session.
It gives you enough time to truly stop and enjoy receiving messages, guidance and healing.
Your reading will be recorded so you can listen back and your healing session will help to shift you through some deep wounds, stepping you into your authenticity.